Thursday, January 17, 2013

Single Mom Dating, Part 2

If you are just joining me you should probably start with to catch up on what's going on.

As I left you I was involved in various conversations that were distracting me, although not really diminishing my pain. Unfortunately this led to a girl who was desperate to fill the void left behind by the guy she was madly in love with and lost. This is a recipe for a disaster, you do realize this right?

Looking back I am aware that I was somewhat of a hot mess, ok, I was a huge hot mess! And I should mention I am not super model, or anything close, but I am not ugly. I may be a bigger girl, but I know that I have attributes that do make me pretty. Yet at this time my self esteem was beyond rock bottom, and although I had lost over 30 lbs due to 2 weeks of no food, it didn't make me feel any better about myself. So let's run through the facts real quick. I had no self esteem, I had a hell of a broken heart, I had a void that needed filled desperately, and I needed to feel like I mattered to someone. Do you smell that? Those are some pretty scary ingredients, and I smell some massive let downs coming on!

Enter Mr. I Like You But...

He was funny, witty, charming, cute, and he had depth. These are all important factors to me. We hit it off wonderfully, talking late into the night. Our conversations were long, involved, sharing thoughts, hopes, dreams. I was actually digging this guy! We finally moved to text messaging, and even talking on the phone, which was no easy feat as I had a crappy signal at my sisters house. So we finally agreed to meet. My daughter would be at her Dads, and I was in the process of actually moving in with my other sister as she was in need of a roommate and Punky Girl and I were in need of a place to live. So I invited him over, he agreed to help me move some of my furniture into the apartment as my sister was working 2nd shift.

Well while I was waiting for his arrival I was about to die of nervousness. Every thought possible was running through my head, what if he doesn't like me? How can I handle rejection? Was this wrong? I am still not over The Ex, why am I doing this? What if he wants to stay the night? Holy shit WHAT AM I DOING?????????

And then he got there. And after the initial awkwardness, we fell into a comfortable conversation. He helped me move my furniture into my room, helped me move some boxes to make more room til I could unpack, and we laid on my bed and talked forever. It was as it was while we were on the phone, and texting. And then the making out started. I will spare you all the juicy details (they aren't that great), but he did stay the night. And I am fairly certain after 8 years with the same man, I looked at this man like he was a Greek God, and I had to look lovesick. But what do you expect? I am trying to mend a broken heart here, and he happened to be the first guy to jump on that. LOL.

So the next morning he woke up bright and early to go to work, and I woke up all smiles and giddy. After much kissing and him promising to call me as soon as he got off work so we could hang out again, he left for work. Now I should let you know that we talked for quite some time before I actually met him, so I felt like I knew him.

That night, no call, no text, nothing. Well this shit was all new to me, so I played the part of the crazy girl and texted repeatedly asking if he was ok. Finally the next morning he said he was sorry he passed out after work. Fair enough. So I invited him over that weekend, and he agreed. He came over, we had a great time, again....and then he left the next morning. Said he would come hang out again the next night my daughter was at her Dad's.

Well his calls and texts were few and far between, but he said he was still coming over. So I sat there, and waited, and waited, and waited, and cried. A lot. Texted, called, nothing. I was devastated. Shit! Again? I was a fragile, emotional wreck, this was NOT what I needed. Then I did what any self-respecting, broken hearted, sane woman would do.....yup I went all CRAZY FREAKIN' WHITE GIRL ON HIM! Which managed to get me a response.

The response went something along the lines of (and no this is not verbatim, that was over 3 years ago and I can't exactly remember what he said, but this is the jist of it) "I think you are a great girl, I have had a great time with you, I really like you but I am not ready for a relationship. I don't have time for a relationship. Between work and school there just isn't much left over. It's not you, if I didn't have so much going on it would be different." Hmmm, way to let me down gently there buddy. Of course he knew I was emotionally unstable, which either scared him, or earned me a pity soft hearted screw off, either way it sucked. So I wrote him off, well ok lets be honest I didn't entirely. Not at first. It took a while. And then I finally let it go. Of course there were replacements that helped....which would lead me to my next installment Mr. So Bad It Was Funny.

I should state that within the past year Mr. I Like You But actually did try to get a hold of me, which wasn't the first time since he crushed me, and each time I have ignored him! So there is douchenugget numero uno. He will always have a special place in my heart as he was the first one! LOL!

Stay tuned for Mr. So Bad It Was Funny....

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