Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is the deal?

For weeks and weeks of unemployment I have had all these great ideas for blog posts. I keep telling myself that I really need to start writing these thoughts down. I should start a blog! There are so many blogs I read that I have found via Facecrack that I have enjoyed, and I so used to love writing my errant thoughts for the world to see. Actually once upon a time I was a pretty big deal in the AOL blogging community, you know, back when AOL was the shit? I had a lot of readers, made many friends, and really enjoyed writing about my life and the things that popped into my head.

So what is the problem you ask?

Now I have a blog, and I got NOTHING! No creative and witty thoughts to share, no brilliant insight into life to spread amongst the masses, NOT A DAMN THING! This aggravates me! Why is it that I can have all these brilliant thoughts for all these weeks that I have been going stir crazy while waiting for my old job to call me back, or a new, better paying job to realize the value of my existence and demand I come work for them, but then when I put the plan into motion and there is NOTHING!!! Gah!

My little Punky girl better start inspiring some great blog posts so I can feel like this was not all in vain!

Le sigh...

I guess if all else fails I can start writing all the fun, HORRIBLE dating stories from the past 3 years!! ;)

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